Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ 2 Cell Conductivity Probes Catalog number: 018020MD



Thermo Scientific™

Orion™ 2 Cell Conductivity Probes

Catalog number: 018020MD

The ThermoFisher Orion Conductivity electrode 013016MD complies with SM 2510B; D1125-95, -99 (A) for Drinking water measurements and  USP<645> Measuring the Conductivity of Pure Water

These probes use two electrode cells to measure low-, standard-, and high-conductivity samples based on the cell constant. They are a versatile option for precise measurements in the lab and field.

013016MD is ideal in low ionic strength solutions, such as deionized water and ultrapure water when paired with a flow-cell assembly . 018020MD is good for chemically reactive conductivity samples, including concentrated acids and bases.  011050MD and 011510MD epoxy/graphite cells are durable, chemical resistant, and measure a wide range of conductivities in the lab or field.