METROHM 774 Oven Sample Processor (sample changer with headspace oven)



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With the 774 Oven Sample Processor
Metrohm presents a revolutionary new sample changer.
It allows the application of the KF oven method to a series of liquid or solid samples.
Combined with a coulometric or volumetric KF titrator, the Oven Sample Processor forms the ideal analysis system for the automatic determination of water in samples that contain interfering components or release their moisture only reluctantly.
Typical examples are
• crude oil and oil products such as hydraulic oil, multigrade oil or used motor oil as well as
• organic amines, toners, plastics, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and freeze-dried products (lyophilisates).

Convincing advantages:
Compared with a conventional KF drying oven the 774 Oven Sample Processor offers many advantages:
• The automation of the water determination means a considerably increased
sample throughput and increased efficiency.
• Considerable savings in time.
• Manual sample preparation is reduced to a minimum.
• No contamination of the oven and titration cell; this means that there are no carryover or memory effects.
• Identical and reproducible analysis conditions for all samples; this is shown by the considerably improved precision of the results.
• Much lower reagent consumption as the titration solution only requires changing at infrequent intervals.
• Improved water release from the sample as the carrier gas does not pass over the sample but is led directly through it.
• The use of hermetically sealed sample vessels means that the samples can be transferred into the vials directly from where they are taken. The PTFE-coated septa guarantee a constant and unadulterated water content even after longer storage periods.

Read more: 774 OvenSampleProc_e1.pdf